When you don't know what "argument" means, but proudly mumble nonsense.

Kid proudly typing a list of logical fallacies and not understanding what argument actually means...

1) Circular reasoning.

My argument is attacking your premises, yet you re-use them as counter and conclusion.

From my argument it's not misgendering. You misgender yourself, which is why there is debate... (and your facts were addressed). It's your turn to address my argument regarding gender expression/identity from my entries or clarify your conclusion in a different way.

2) More obvious: a type of appeal to authority.

I am human, ergo I am an expert about humans. I win.

Congrats on making an even fucking dumber appeal to authority than the PhD one. Or the idiotic appeals to popularity that you people repeat like mantras with Ls and owned. Stop trying to act like a redneck in a ring trash-talking an opponent and actually start using some logical reasoning. If you have some. I literally said I am not appealing to authority when I mentioned my background is psychology. It was a simple attempt to avoid your Dunning-Kruger spasms, using a condescending tone to explain stuff I knew before you were able to clean your own asses (like people identifying as NB), while not even grasping my argument. The spasms happened anyway (not referring to Plat, even if she was idiotically condescending as well), but w/e.

The real L has been on your head ever since you couldn't accept a disagreement and my offer to avoid he to communicate, blocked me and started slandering me. Forcing me to clarify/show what actually happened. Never left your head since then.

Nobody asked you to follow me. I was asked to use pronouns I disagree with and your little ego couldn't handle it despite trying to be as civil as possible.

3) Strawman argument.

Again, I disagree with TERFs on several levels. If one TERF said something I agree with, then it wasn't inherently related to TERF ideology (and that person was probably right).

Keep trying though.

The rest is more appeal to authority.

Trans people know that.

Well, even entering your realm of idiotic appeals to authority, as I said in my previous entry, here is a TRANS woman making some of my points in layman terms that even you should understand:

She has no say either, I guess. But you would happily like and RT cis people's tweets who agree with your narrative. Regardless of each others actual arguments.

This is why education in philosophy is so important. Not like in these examples should be complicated to see the logical fallacies.

Stop yelling transphobe in Twitter every now and then trying to fool others (and yourself). You followed me for a long time and perfectly know I am no transphobe. You perfectly know I have tried to educate actual transphobes privately and publicly.

Go back to school before having a debate with me, learn what argument means, and then we may talk.


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