Short reply about the capitol/Trump.

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DK's point is that we can't prove in absolute terms Trump isn't genuinely that stupid, and truly believes what he says, instead of exploiting consciously an indulgent system.

An attack on the capitol is a consequential event from something much deeper than Trump said so anyway.

Even if Justin Bieber did a moronic joke about his fans jumping from a bridge to prove their loyalty, and a fraction of them did it, it would still be extremely inaccurate to say Justin Bieber caused mass suicide. It would be actually false.

Justin's moronic joke would be the final particle in the river that would be the causal flux. We should mainly question why we had teenagers that reached such levels of stupidity, to begin with, and other factors.

The responsibility isn't just on the concrete moron(s) shoulders, but also the dumb people who lack any type of critical thinking and accept the myths/conspiracy nonsense, w/e, as truth without questioning it.

In a similar fashion, the real cause of the attack on the capitol isn't just the final particle (Trump). There is something inherently very wrong in a system where a group can decide to attack the capitol so easily because of some idiotic conspiracy-theory (leaving circumstantial factors like security aside).

As long as you don't want a democratic system that uses some type of vote adjustment, like giving more value to votes from people with higher IQ (lol), you should set education as priority and accept it as axiom. Regardless of who is elected (should be constitutional), you need a system that creates a clear positive evolutionary tendency.

Otherwise you risk a system with self-fulfilled stupidity: dumb president gets elected > encourages and perpetuates stupidity further in current and future generations > current and future generations keep voting for dumb presidents... Very simplified, but you understand what I mean...

I don't refer to education just in terms of access, but obviously also quality.

In the meantime though, should we still ban Trump from expressing himself until we reach a system where education is the true priority and rednecks who would attack the capitol because of a conspiracy-theory don't even exist?

I have had this discussion in Spain with people who also want absolute censorship for every individual who is still sympathetic to dictator Franco's ideology. What exactly would we achieve? Do such people stop existing or get educated by being censored?

You are just hiding the problem, not solving it.

As long as someone isn't directly harming another person, trolling or very obviously manipulating with false evidence, that person shouldn't be censored. Regardless of how idiotic are his/her opinions. Let alone the fact that the dumbest person on Earth can still say something very valuable, and the smartest say something stupid. Don't forget how dogmatic is to establish that we are totally, absolutely and undeniably right, while they are wrong. No... We are currently right given the current arguments. Censoring someone means that you also assume any possible future arguments or contributions would also be nonsensical. Probabilistically speaking it may be reasonable to infer it, but not in absolute terms.

At least now the type of people who attacked the capitol are more visible and we have a chance to act accordingly. Censoring Trump would simply make them less visible without stopping the true tragedy: the fact that such people will still probably raise children with similar values and equally ignorant.


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