He is retarded.
Leaving aside the more than obvious tendency to experience the highest satisfaction and happiness of falling in love and being loved by that same person (assuming the climax of this process, obviously), we are clearly goal-oriented and feel rewarded by the relativization of the difficulty to reach a concrete objective and our basal/default capacity to reach it.
The rest of the variables that affect satisfaction are more obvious. Like sex (in itself affected by many variables), food (same), social interactions (same), normative valued behavior (same), etc.
His idiotic counter example is stupid because:
1) A great physique doesn't keep you happy per se. There is a psychobiological tendency to feel satisfied when doing sports and improving (remember what I said about being goal-oriented creatures and the relativization), but the final satisfaction behind having a great physique is related to internalized norms like (for example), the importance of being considered attractive in your immediate social groups and perception of more general norms.
1) A great physique doesn't keep you happy per se. There is a psychobiological tendency to feel satisfied when doing sports and improving (remember what I said about being goal-oriented creatures and the relativization), but the final satisfaction behind having a great physique is related to internalized norms like (for example), the importance of being considered attractive in your immediate social groups and perception of more general norms.
During a long period of my life I trained a lot. I am talking about 6 days/week (or even 7). Combining cardio (running 15 km relatively fast at least 4 days/week), football, gym and bike. At some point, despite having studied psychology, I tried to become actually a fireman in Spain too (until I got a second injury), because of circumstances and different factors. And by that time the thresholds to have a chance were pretty insane. While I felt a lot of satisfaction from the challenge of improving, I couldn't care less if I looked more sexy because my abs, biceps or deltoid muscles were more visible or not. And even if I did, it was precisely the most superficial and temporary satisfaction I could think of in these periods of my life. I would rather feel more satisfied for being healthier and impressing girls in other ways.
Another person can feel very differently because of a very different construct, but that's precisely the point. Trying to make a generalization from his own satisfaction about something as superficial as having a great physique is beyond stupid.
You could ask Magnus Carlsen or Kasparov if they didn't feel satisfied and even happy from having played chess their whole life, despite not having a great physique like some instagram bodybuilder who thinks having big biceps is the most important thing in life. And if they stop being happy when they stop playing during the day. And I am not even referring to the fact that they keep thinking about chess, and most probably keep playing/analyzing moves and what not mentally. I am talking about being satisfied with your cycle.
Even when you have a great physique or something as insipid as a big dick, and feel satisfied because of it, it's not like you actively keep it in mind 24 hours day. You may be prone to think more frequently about it, but it's not like it occupies the 100 % of your operative memory constantly. This is related to the difference between feeling and emotional reaction too.
You may also have a nice girlfriend who loves you, but after months it's not like you think 24 hours/day about her, feeling constantly butterflies in your guts, like you did at the very beginning (related to habituation). Yet her presence in your life clearly still contributes to your happiness. How? Precisely because it's a feeling. Feelings give, so to say, stability and structure to the tendencies of experimenting ranges of emotional reactions (in this case more positive ones). And yes, the same goes for video games.
2) Videogames can be played passionately with very complex objectives (again, related to what I said at the beginning), or they can be played to kill the time.
Hell, they could even be played just as a distraction while you wait to the day you can't or don't want to live anymore.
The difference depends on a lot of complex variables. Not only intrinsically in the game per se and your basal/default capacity to reach reasonable goals in the game, but also something like your environment, if the rest of your needs are properly satisfied...; for example, if you even sleep well/eat well, if you feel or not stressed by other factors in your life, if you have the support of your family and friends when playing said game, etc.
3) You can do both: have a great physique and play passionately video games with complex objectives... The most obvious point. Which is why I won't even develop it further.
Conclusion... Because of all this, implying games are satisfying only in a superficial way to kill boredom and when you stop playing you feel sad and want to kill yourself again (unlike going to the gym and having a great physique... sigh) is utterly wrong.
Also if you don't know this guy, I can already tell you that he follows (or at least followed) some bullshit accounts preaching about how manliness is dying in our modern society, how your pose for a foto with a girl reveals if you are some effeminate submissive male or a real man and other retarded crap. So don't forget to keep this in mind when analyzing his idiotic tweet and the importance he gives to a great physique, because of the social norms and values he has internalized.
Also if you don't know this guy, I can already tell you that he follows (or at least followed) some bullshit accounts preaching about how manliness is dying in our modern society, how your pose for a foto with a girl reveals if you are some effeminate submissive male or a real man and other retarded crap. So don't forget to keep this in mind when analyzing his idiotic tweet and the importance he gives to a great physique, because of the social norms and values he has internalized.
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