
Depending on your attitude, insinuations, tone, incapacity to listen and reply accordingly, etc.; being civil on a superficial level doesn't make you necessarily immune to anything

Lloyd wasn't uncivil publicly the most of the time. Lloyd didn't go around calling people idiots from the beginning. He did insult some players later in the sense of name-calling (too), but these were exceptions and it wasn't even publicly.

Much before any name-calling from his part he was called even retard by some. And many of you know perfectly why. I don't think it's necessary to ask how much you (the ones who know at least a significant part of his mistakes) care if he was civil on a superficial level or not.

You can be civil and passive aggressive at the same time like Lloyd, Kail and others.

With, for example, things like "you ignored some of my points to make it easier for you bruh", after at least 4 people (Turtle, Valy, Zodiac and myself) having refuted any point XTYE made, despite how ridiculous all of them were.

I was aggressive myself from the beginning, but in an open and honest way, simply not hiding my irritation.

You can be civil, but manipulative and dishonest. Trying to twist things like "your dumbass argument" into "you called me dumbass unlike Turtle".

You aren't only pathetically trying to use Turtle here (who agreed with me to that point before the "mentally disabled" part), but you also imply that I insulted YOU and not your arguments. And no, it's not the same. Also at that point I wasn't going to be nice to you if you kept simply repeating the same nonsense without replying properly to my counter-arguments, and even trying idiotically to shift the discussion about SDT, which had little to nothing to do with the proper topic (and I still counter-argumented even that).

Or implying that I only discuss and insult people 24/7. That I insult to intimidate people and what not.

I don't fucking need to insult to appear intimidating when my arguments speak by themselves (and they aren't and shouldn't be intimidating, but an OPPORTUNITY to improve yourself/myself).

If I insult is because I am sick of people who are more focused on pathetic attempts to protect their egos, or trying to make a scratch on mine, instead of properly counter-argumenting, and I vent from time to time insulting myself (WHILE still argumenting).

The 99 % of the times I don't do it out of nowhere. And when I was mistaken, I did apologize.

About arguing... Not only could I make a bunch of screenshots of tweets of mine that aren't about discussions; like clips, humor, comments about game mechanics and other topics, etc.

Even if I was truly discussing the 100 % of the time, there wouldn't be anything inherently wrong with it.

It's actually the most universable choice as long as one can remain calm and has a good selective method to pick up discussions (nobody would have energy to discuss every single topic with everybody).

As discussions provide a chance to influence other people, to educate, to learn something yourself, to stop misinformation from spreading, to prove wrong people who slander others, etc.

As long as one can remain calm is probably a part where you think that I fail... But you didn't realize that I even suspended my own account for 2 weeks partly because I was sick of the nonsense I read every day on Twitter, did you? Precisely because I wanted to avoid discussions even more than what I usually do.

You didn't realize that many days I didn't discuss with anybody, despite having scrolled through a bunch of nonsense, did you?

Or that I don't insult as long as the counterpart doesn't insult either, or doesn't use a certain tone.

Nah. MartinG only insults 24/7 to intimidate people even when they are civil...

It's interesting how he may support you and even find somehow cool the way you expose certain people...

Yet all this turns into a pathetic attempt to mock you when he is the one being exposed.

You may be thinking: still, you said that you ignore many people precisely becase you know that you can't or don't want to stay calm... Why didn't you ignore him? You are still wrong.

Here is why:

As you see, this is how he reacted one of the times when I tried to educate him. I was equally harsh. It's not ME who has changed.

It's not the only time either. He approached me in DMs to ask for my opinion about a write-up he did (comparing the main DMC games), and I gave him feedback. We didn't agree on many things, but he listened to my feedback and we simply talked about it.

This is why I had a better opinion about him; this is why I didn't ignore HIM, unlike other idiots I read through the day; and this is why I said first that I thought he has good intentions.

And despite everything that has happened, he was clearly a dedicated player already. Someone who would stay in the community, which is another important factor to insist in my attempt to educate him. Because I don't want dedicated players to go around spreading misinformation, or trying to shame newcomers for abusing the void. You can't abuse the void depending on the area you picked up.

Oh, yeah... Educate. No shit. But when people don't take it as free education immediately and admit that you are right, you start insulting...

Even if you consider me a soulless and repugnant narcissist who only likes to boost his ego hearing you are right (I have definitely better things to boost my ego if I had to), the evidence speaks by itself. So I will repeat:

At least FOUR people corrected him. As I implied, I don't even considered any of this a debate.

It was about failed attempts from at least 4 people to educate somebody. Including an entry related to this topic (even if it wasn't 100 % only because of/directed to XTYE).

Still, after all this, these were my initial tweets replying to him (after the first ones I showed at the beginning of this entry):

And more... 

No, I didn't start insulting simply because he didn't immediately admit that he was wrong. He had plenty of chances to rectify the way he belittled (and yes, he did, even if indirectly) people who use the void or a controlled environment in general.

At some point he just drained all my patience and I said what I said.

Mentally Disabled

Other players and I used retarded sometimes. Probably I did it more frequently, but Millz, Kiva and others aren't far behind.


I say mentally disabled.



Don't tell others to grow up if you are an opportunistic infant. Don't use the concept of maturity when you are even unable to admit that you (or your friend) are wrong in a quite simplistic topic. Just to not appear weak publicly or any other moronic reason.

While insulting per se isn't correct and I have said it myself plenty of times, it's fucking obvious what I am referring to: extremely stupid.

My interactions with real mentally disabled people have showed me that I would really prefer to interact with them rather than idiots on twitter. One of my favorite publications in FB is: I work with retards. No, sadly not real ones. Because I was really frustrated from some nonsense at work.

One of my best friends by that time was the previous director of the department of Infant Psychology in the University (it's psicología evolutiva in Spanish, but in English evolutionary psychology has another meaning, so I chose infant psychology).

Guess what he did when he read my publication... Nah, he didn't lose his ReZpEkt; he laughed his ass off. Because he could understand the context, the intentions and, basically, because he isn't stupid. Quite the opposite.

The probability that someone mentally disabled reads anything I say on Twitter or here and gets significantly hurt is negligible.

Ok. One of my followers protested:

But it's obvious that the insult is an offensive hyperbole derived from intellectual disabilities, and not mental disorders in general.

As for anxiety disorders, I have one myself and a really severe OCD (I simply know how to mitigate it without medication, but I have suffered it from very young age).

I have even called myself retard when I did a mistake sometimes.

Ah, yeah, but you clearly know you aren't. Actually you are a pretentious asshole. And even if it's negligible, the possibility to hurt is still there.

Well, you know:

1) I still try to avoid it. Exactly like twat, gay, faggot, trap, autist and more that I don't even use.

How many times have you seen me saying mentally disabled? Besides this one...

Only once when replying to an idiot who threatened me physically on YT long ago. Maybe you didn't even read that tweet. If I said it more times, I don't even remember them. In any case, I definitely don't use it frequently at all.

But one or two times is enough! You are condemned to exile and I lost all my rEzPekT.

Ok. I condemn you to deez nuts on your chin.

If you really think that this type of manipulative attitude, magnifying an insult after draining (maybe intentionally) my patience to make me look like the biggest demon ever and the worst person alive, trying to dismiss absolutely everything I have done in the community, the many times I tried to help and support people (including the both of you), saying stuff like yOu cAn'T hAvE nOrMaL cOnVeRsAcHiOns and other pathetically condescending attempts to mock meetc., will somehow make me apologize, you are deluded.

2) Turtle and I walk on the street. He wants to show me some part of some new combo mad.

- Martin, look at this one. He did FG after helmbreaker into climax and...

- I don't see helmbreaker.

- He just cancelled it fast. Are you blind?

Someone with a friend who is blind passes by.


Are you going to ban any word that could remotely cause a deep affliction? Regardless of intentions and probability?

Additionally, did you know the origin of idiot and other terms?

You surely haven't used any of these in your lives, have you?

If I had millions of followers or I had a debate with XTYE in public television it would be different. In this context, however, your attempts to magnify my insult are just laughable.

This is just the internet, bruh.
Real life is more important, bruh.
Diz iz just bideo gamez, bruh. Relaxz.
Juzt cuz dizagreeing, bruh...
You write a lot bruh...

People couldn't comprehend how sick I am of such idiotic clichés that somehow sound right and profund in certain heads. Let alone how sick I am from debunking them:

1) Internet is a tool that we use in our real life and the quality, depth, significance (etc.) of any interactions online depend on how YOU and the other person (or social groups online) build it.

I have met the 2 women I loved the most in my life first online. Some of the deepest interactions I have had were online.

Of course it's even better when you can bring a relationship outside it. But that doesn't mean the ones which you cannot bring outside internet can't be important.

Also having to say the obvious, but any person you interact with online is another human being, including the dumb ones. Exactly like anybody on the damn street, in your gym, in the workplace, etc.

This is why expressions like random dude from the internet are idiotic.

2) Video games can be complex, simple, a way to distract yourself, a way to build passion about something interesting, competitive, cooperative, etc., etc.

There isn't any difference in terms of importance comparing them with any other hobby. And hobbies are artificially created and controlled activities that we enjoy in terms of learning, problem solving, creativity..., that we like to do in our free time.

Just imagine how stupid is this one keeping in mind that our free time is in most cases (unless you are lucky enough to love your job, or at least it helps you to develop in some way) pretty much the most important part of our routines.

It's just music, bruh; it's just climbing, bruh; it's just a ball and some dudes running behind it, bruh; it's just a bunch of planets, stars and stuff floating around, bruh...

If I am passionate about DMC, then I will discuss in-depth whatever the hell I want related to it. I already know it's a video game bruh.

B-but there are more transcendent things: love, friends, the planet. Bruh!

Yeah, and nobody needs to sacrifice any of these for a hobby, unless you are an imbecile who hunts, for example. They aren't mutually exclusive and I wonder how much any of you 2 has done for the planet or something more transcendent than DMC.

At the very least I have tried to educate people in certain topics like climate change and nutrition. What do YOU do? You must be volunteering in some NGO the rest of the day, I suppose. Could I do much more? Definitely. But despite my laziness and relative egoism, you aren't the best individuals to tell me how much more I could do to improve the world instead of writing essays about video games or idiots.

And don't fucking tell me how I have to invest my time or what has to be important in my life if you don't know shit about my reasons or circumstances. Let alone the capacity to understand them. (No, Kyo; you aren't included here).

Why didn't XTYE tell to Dinocrusher: BRUH! IT'S JUST BIDEO GAMEZ, why do you do giveaways?!?! Spend them moneyz in charatiy, BRUH!

Why do you even spend so much time doing your thread belittling players who use the void for combos if it's just video games? And replying to all the people who tried to correct you? Why did you waste so much my time if it's just video games?

I say openly that I am passionate about the ones I care about. And I said that I don't like misinformation being spread, let alone by a dedicated player (why are you even a dedicated player, to begin with). Thus it makes perfect sense to ask you to at least shut up if you don't want to listen and stop wasting my time.

It's not me who isn't consistent. So don't tell me it'z bideo gamez when you are swimming in an ocean of contradictions. Bruh.

3) You can read a bit this one for them opinionz. Opinions have quality depending on the reasoning behind them, consistency, data/evidence to support them, etc.

I don't have a problem with people disagreeing. I have a problem with people who don't listen, people who twist what I say or plainly ignore it, people who use strawman arguments against me, people who only repeat weak (being generous) arguments simply to have the last word and to not admit they are wrong, people who try to give me advice in a condescending tone as if they were Confucius, but don't know what the hell they talk about...

THAT's what I have problems with.

And nobody intervened (against me) with concrete points in all the discussions where I exposed someone or explained why he was wrong. Ending up insulting him/her.

Maybe try first next time to make concrete points about what was discussed, why I ended up insulting, etc., instead of talking about them as if they were a bunch of evidence from the past to support your dumb theory that I insult people to intimidate, as if the idiots I insulted were innocent always magically and I didn't have other fucking reasons to insult them.

No, it wasn't just an exchange of opinionz where I got mad at innocent beautiful souls for dizagreeing.

Dumb and wrong opinions exist, dumb people who strawman you and use a condescending tone exist... It's not just dizagreeing/not.

4) Don't you say...

Yes, I write a lot if I want to/have to/need to. Pretty short this one, wasn't it?


  • Being civil (superficial level) doesn't mean you can say whatever you want, or behave as you want, without certain consequences. And it doesn't mean that you are necessarily innocent.

  • I could have ignored XTYE, but I explained above why I had a better opinion about him with evidence. This is why I was disappointed, to the point that the thoughts about him being a troll and/or D3vil (keep in mind that I was one of the people who was inclined to think that he was not D3vil, and even discussed with people who thought so) passed through my mind. I don't care much if he really is or not in the current context, even though I don't consider it completely irrelevant either.

  • I am definitely not going to apologize to XTYE and Dinocrusher after such pathetic attempts to manipulate and magnify hypocritically (explained). At most I am going to say that I still consider them positive members of the DMC community overall (which is hilariously more than what has been said about me after this crap). I would consider an apology if there was a minimal level of empathy towards me and you would admit that:
    I was right on the topic at hand; the insult was magnified as if the entire humanity died inside because it was convenient, and not because all of you really and genuinely care about mentally disabled people THAT much (the importance of the insult was debunked above, and this is why I kept insulting you, since I was mocking the way you tried to magnify it itself); that obviously I wasn't mocking mentally disabled people (can't believe I am typing this); that you did really stupid comments about me without knowing what the fuck you talk about (see normal conversation, grow up, the dumbass clichés and more).
    Won't happen I know. Not a big deal. I don't forget that you have supported me either, but I won't simply apologize myself out of nowhere. Not this time.

  • Don't try to act wise with me when you can't even grasp why I do what I do. Let alone your own contradictions and nonsense. (Explained...).

  • I definitely don't apologize in general for contributing to the bad image this community may have. I consider this really unfair and a very superficial way to look at this conflict. If you think that it's me who makes Twitter a worse place, or this community, we are light years away from a mutual understanding.

  • In any case I apologize to Flair, because I impulsively blocked him, even if for a few minutes.

  • I will definitely vent from time to time and I will end up calling someone else idiot (or whatever). Even if I tell you that I ignore the most of the idiots, or try to approach them at first pacifically, you would still not believe me or not care about it despite my arguments. You are free to make a poll asking if I should be banned from this community and, depending on the results, I would leave. You can say that people already either block me or get blocked. So it's pointless. But still... Go ahead (not acting cocky; I don't know which would be the result).

  • Nothing I said was directed subliminally at anybody else aside from XTYE and Dinocrusher in a passive aggressive way. Obviously I don't agree with Kyo when he says that I provide more of a disservice to this community, but I wasn't mocking him or anybody else who disagreed with me without using moronic and wrong clichés, a condescending tone, etc.

  • Thanks to Turtle and the few who tried to see all this also from my perspective.


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