Reply to ReZoura

Yeah, I mentioned your subs because of envy. Not because it's documented how you traded your dignity, if you had any, for attention and subs, which was also the most likely reason to do your BS tutorials.

My bad for overrating the little common sense I thought you had. It's not like I knew much about you before this, besides your lies, nonsense and whore level of desperation for attention. But you are definitely much, much dumber than what I considered.

1) You didn't find the bullshit/retarded flying guard (you can use the term guard flying/guard fly if you want, other players and I will use the terms that we want; some say guard flying, others flying guard..., because it's a nominalization from a gerund + "guard" that makes perfect sense).

This alone is an "issue" if you write with your moronic pretentiousness in the description "I have found a new way to guard fly in DMC5", and use the same term in the titles of your videos. And I don't care if you mentioned somewhere in some corner in your videos "b-but it's different". The mere fact that the idiot in question thought he could remotely use your video as argument shows that you did a poor job clarifying that it's NOT the same as flying guard.

Many players did this pretty much at release, some like nino made a much more elaborated use of it despite its limitations, and it was also possible to do it after a mere JC with a small pause between jump and guard after certain moves (fast sliding JC could cancel the inertia sometimes despite using the same move).

I will even concede you that at the beginning some called it GF/FG to say it shortly in trivial conversations or tweets, but not a single one of them would have called it GF or FG in a tutorial because they knew how deceptive and moronically pretentious it would be. And it was mostly used in sentences like "FG in DMC5 looks shit". Which is why now people are so happy to have proper FG thanks to modders.

2) It's not even the "tEk" that resembles flying guard the most:

3) If you genuinely think your (which is not even "your") bullshit/retarded flying guard looks better than proper flying guard, that it has a wider spectrum of functions, etc., you are freaking alone in your island of extreme stupidity or trying very hard to delude yourself to think that you are/were somehow useful for the community at some point. Attracting a few poor and naive souls with deceptive """tutorials""" about holding guard after mustang and calling it "guard flying" or flying guard is not. Even a little moron like you knew how many people would google or search "guard flying/flying guard" on YT because of its popularity from DMC4.

Any veteran player knows the "slow FG" from vanilla only helps to correct slightly your position, in a slow and clunky way that has little to do with proper flying guard, besides the "pose".

Proper flying guard is much faster, allowing players to move in a wider range, to side switch in a more agile way, to land quickly with a certain distance from the enemy with specific set-ups (all this while the enemy is still airborne), to avoid AoE moves from bosses, to fly below an enemy and then redirect the inertia from the other side into inertial rainstorm, etc.

In general, to give a better sense of structure in combos thanks to much more movement. For small corrections of position there are other tools in vanilla DMC5, like mustang itself (which used alone looks better and faster than the slow vanilla FG) or even rainstorm (which despite looking worse and being less useful in 5, is still better than BS FG).

If it was better, nobody would have insisted to capcom to re-implement it and you would see console veteran players and combo-makers using it frequently (not you, just in case you considered yourself a somehow reputable player). It was used occasionally in a few combos at the beginning (Millz comes to mind, and it was like his first combo), but since months there aren't veteran players who use it because of how slow and clunky it is.

Next time try to elaborate some arguments with your atrophied brain instead of using a moronic cliché like "YoU fOrCe YoUr TrUtH" and "PeOpLe HaVe DifFeReNt OpInIoNZ".

Yes, people have different opinions with different grades of consistency with observable data and internal logic. Yours, and the one from the RETARD, are crap.

4) Calling an arrogant retard "retard" (understood as an extremely stupid person) is a small immoral act that I allow myself to commit after getting your moronic replies and seeing how he insulted a big part of this community (me included), because he is way too DUMB to understand why the issues we were concerned with were and are relevant. Especially for console players.

He has called us "little shits", "whiners", "retards" (the irony) and what not. But I didn't see you mentioning his "5th grade name-calling".

Insulting people, while immoral, has a different weight and relevance depending on circumstances and arguments. While I am not proud of my insults, as a human being with a limited patience, I am sick of ignorant idiots who are, on top of this, utterly aggressive and arrogant.

Even if I have to be arrogant and even aggressive myself, pointing out your stupidity with arguments + insulting you is still better than not doing anything at all. And even if I would merely point out your stupidity with arguments without insults, you would feel insulted regardless because of your fragile ego, and you would insult me "back", just like you did (despite me having insulted another person and not you).

Additionally, I never interacted or replied to that person, to begin with. What's more, I muted him and ignored his insults until I saw your stupid response to DK implying that you shouldn't be mentioned.

Yes, you should be. Because a moron even more stupid than you has used your shitty video as reference, dummy.

I wasn't defending myself, at most you could say I defended DK, DH, Millz and others who mentioned you after seeing how the moron used your "tutorial" to mock us. Even if I didn't fully agree on some parts of their tweets, like bringing up all your past (it wasn't even relevant, as the video per se and its shitty influence to idiots was enough).

Idiots like you definitely love to use terms like "butthurt", "whiny", "bitching/bitches", etc., every time somebody says something that exposes them/something they like, while completely ignoring that they are precisely using such terms because they feel hurt themselves. The difference is that the most of the times, sich idiots don't argument or counter-argument shit.

In essence, I am sorry to tell you that your redneck terms to somehow imply you are more... "mature" or "manly", or whatever the hell you lucubrate in your rotten brain, isn't a good refuge to avoid being smashed by arguments in general. With or without insults.

You seem way too invested in spamming YT with BS tutorials about this "glitch" to use the it's just video games, bruh cliché, which is retarded per se anyway, as people are free to be passionate about whatever the hell they want.

And anyway all this was initially related to a dumbfuck who started attacking people out of nowhere for merely expressing their concerns with this game, while using your video as reference. Which is why you had to be mentioned, despite your inability to understand it.


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