
All you people, who bashed veteran players or their behavior, implying it has been whiny for suggesting improvements and asking repeatedly for them...

Implying it has been unjustified, childish and even aggressive at certain point, despite being passive aggressive or even openly aggressive yourselves, and pretty ignorant regarding DMC mechanics many times...

Implying or even saying explicitly, like in my case, that some suggestions I did are selfish and I am too lazy to adapt...

Please, take a brief look at all these videos and links (no need to watch the videos entirely):

- 2bepower's Dante Tutorial.

- ChaserTech's advanced Dante tutorial.

- Turtle Sensei, Genova and Nino's tutorial for Nero's advanced techniques.

- DelusionaryKiller's Tutorial for Vergil's JdC and Round Trip techs.

- A small tutorial about some glitches/techs with sword formations/Summoned Swords.

And there are many more tutorials from veteran players out there. These are just a few examples.


1) Why would players, who have invested so much time and effort to welcome and help newcomers, out of a sudden be selfish or inconsiderate with beginners or more casual players?

2) Why would players, who have invested so much time and effort to understand and master techs/mechanics to such degrees, suddenly be too ignorant to realize proper reversals were actually in the full game (they aren't) or too lazy to adapt?

These are actually rhetorical questions and my point is that you, people, should watch yourselves

From the ones considering remotely that you are some kind of reference for NOT knowing about reversals until we mentioned them, which tells more about how much more moderate and open you should be when expressing your opinion, than actually proving reversals are not necessary; to people who were dumb enough to think that fake reversals (because of positioning or ex-act streak) were actual reversals, while the whiny veterans were making noise for nothing...

All of you should make a step back and consider again who really is selfish and inconsiderate.

Let alone implying that the game should be adapted for people who mash buttons and could remotely make a reversal on accident.

First of all... The fact that you didn't know about reversals only means that it was one more tool you were not using. If we were to consider only strictly necessary elements for the game to work, probably just 1 launcher, one or 2 aerial moves, a dodge/parry system and a jump would work. You may want to also check Dark Souls.

The point of DMC since 3 is precisely to give freedom to the player to express himself. Creativity is the core of the series since 3, and the more options, the better. With more notes you will be able to compose more complex melodies. With more words you will be able to build more complex sentences and texts. With more paint colors you will be able to draw more accurately what you want to express.

If you don't want to use certain additional words, notes, paint colors; it's fine. But such additions still improve the spectrum of options and the language, musical instrument, palette.

It's very basic to understand.

Secondly, you are totally free to use such tools or not. Not having known about reversals until now only proves further our point: it wasn't affecting you negatively in any way. You didn't even know you could use such tool, let alone being bothered by accidents, which would happen 1 out of 1000 directional moves, unless you mash or lock-off/on because you are not used to the lock-on system.

Finally, as explained in another (unfinished) entry, hobbies are artificially created difficulties in a controlled environment related to our goal-oriented design.

We are designed to feel good when overcoming difficulties and surpassing our immediate limits. In conclusion: the point of video games, in general, is to get better at them, because it's rewarding. Every time you simplify a game, you reduce the potential reward from any aspect you could master.

The fact that you aren't now interested in reversals doesn't mean it's not a tool you could some day be interested in. And this comes from somebody who precisely didn't like reversals at first in DMC4SE for Vergil, and at certain point they became a core element in my style.

I will finish with a concrete iconic example:

If a person has a modest video like this one (which is FINE per se)...

...and is clearly not an advanced player or very knowledgeable, yet tells me no offense, but I wish Capcom doesn't change the most of the stuff you said, that am too lazy to adapt and selfish (with these words), makes a moronic straw man such as what you do is like complaining because Lucifer is a different weapon than traditional ones (¿?), of course clarifying he is no casual and has done combo videos since years..., and everything without any concrete argument to try to refute any suggestion I did...

Then sorry (not sorry), but maybe apply what you say in your own description and take some fucking notes:


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