DMC5 flaws/potential tweaks: Dante

There are some not explained workarounds for a few of these issues, but they are still clunky.

Important note: all the DMC5 clips are with non-legit Turbo 1.2. Which brings us to the first flaw:

- Lack of official Turbo.

Speed is a relevant variable in human's perception. It's not a mere coincidence that people tend to prefer to drive faster (if it's for fun), faster combos, faster martial artists in movies, etc. The brain gets more stimuli per unit of time, you get rewarded for interpreting them, and for executing at higher speed. Obviously it's a tendency (other variables can negate the preference) and there are limits, but DMC5 is far from such limits and is way too slow for experienced players in DMC and probably other action games or fighting games.

The speedhacks aren't perfect and even mess up auditive cues. Let alone the fact that animations should be tweaked, but this will be seen in other points.

- Lack of the highly manageable inertia in DMC4.

- Classic reversals and the synergy there would be with the rest of the options.

- In general, slow recoveries, like air trick's (probably the most important) or slow animations/moves (proportionally), like the pull effect from faust hat. This makes combos look less fluid and more clunky (along with JC).

- Jump Cancel has not only a screen-shaking effect, it also has its own (and too long) animation, which limits more the speed limit of jump cancel and at certain point inputs can get dropped.

Dropped inputs happen hypothetically because 2 inputs get registered in the same frame and/or because JC has its own buffer frames and the next one gets registered in the current JC, but not the move you were going to JC into.

Even if the explanations are hypothetical, what's pretty clear is that the issue is related to JC. And the faster you JC/play, the more probably it will happen (in the second clip with slower JCs it doesn't).

- In terms of accessibility, while I wouldn't complain about bigger hit-boxes, the game is overall too floaty, which takes away part of the reward when connecting moves while an enemy is juggled. Some gravity-option would satisfy those who would prefer more weight, to make connections tighter and smoother. This would probably increase the momentum present in the game as well, which is useful for the situations where it can still be practically used (not stopped by JC).

- The camera is overall too slow to follow properly the player, and sometimes turns 180º suddenly, without being coherently justified by moves/position.

- Guns are much slower and they can be even cancelled before the shot comes out. In DMC4 they were much faster and one could lose height much quicker and smoother to side-switch below the enemy (for example). 

- Balrog lacks a passive switch. As shown in the examples, the active switch is really useful. From JCs or other situations. However, as you can see in the first part of the clip, when Dante is far away he has to switch actively to blow mode. He can't do it passively while performing a move and this breaks the flow and even forces me to use guns, or else the enemy would even fall.

Active and Passive Balrog switches can and should co-exist and complement each other.

- Slow motion, even if subtle, shouldn't exist in DMC's gameplay/combos, since fluidity is part of its core and players don't need it to highlight how stylish they have been in certain moments if it makes them be less stylish in the next moves, breaking their flow...

- Guard was faster and had a smoother cancel property in DMC4, which was useful for different applications. In DMC5 it has a slow recovery.

- Red Line shouldn't be a backwards - forwards move when less important moves take more simple inputs. The optional follow-up into red line from the forwards + style move on the ground doesn't justify this. The inputs could still be swapped, even if the follow-up would become spammable.

It gets worse if we take into account the movement it generates combined or not with sky star and other tools from Dante. In the set-ups below, the inputs backwards - forwards increase unnecessarily the probability to fail, being because of the camera turning or the complexity of the inputs alone, like JCd shotgun into reversed red line -> JC -> shotgun again.

- Round Trip has still a way too slow start-up and requires either DSD or set-ups that break the flow.

- DT DSD has too many sword formation moves attached to regular moves of other weapons. It's an excess and becomes cheap. At certain point it's too easy to not drop a combo (assuming you are not mashing/you know what you are doing), because it doesn't matter much what move you want to connect. Either some regular move or the sword formations will hit the enemy, with launching, just stun or knock back/push effects.

At the very least there should be a DSD version that doesn't change when you are in DT.

Not allowing Deluxe Weapons in Bloody Palace was an even worse decision than making Deluxe Weapons per se, keeping in mind they are relevant in terms of functionality, and not merely aesthetic.

- In DMC4 enemies like angelos, frosts, scarecrows, mega-scarecrows and basilisks had very unique hitboxes and, more importantly, unique properties regarding physics. This allowed players to do much more varied combos or freestyle, adapting set-ups and connections to specific types of fall, rebounds from lucifer pin explosions or enemy control in general and even glitches like Heavy Rain's tech variations.

In DMC5 angelos are heavier, but in general there isn't much variety. Enemies have big or even bigger hitboxes, yet not different physics.


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