Properly explaining why non-binary is nonsensical in terms of gender and doesn't need specialized pronouns.
Basics. It would be really hard to find the concrete origins of the first versions of he and she in any language, but they most probably had to do with typical role and functional distribution (which obviously evolved/evolves), along with sexual and love relationships and the obvious tendency to identify and treat differently potential partners. The actual replacement of a name for a pronoun in itself is obviously to ease and accelerate communication (while still providing relevant info). With the development of science and language, a distinction was made to differentiate biological sex from the behavioral and emotional tendencies that individuals from concrete social groups would perceive as masculine or feminine. This is the concept of (social) gender or gender role, mainly coined from social psychology and sociology. It's not incompatible with the concept of biological sex, it actually complements it to understand ourselves with more precision. Be...